Modern business cannot live without technology. Whether you are starting a new business or you are a growing concern, there are two ways you can go about managing your IT. You could either use an in-house team or use a managed service provider (MSP).
Many businesses have capitalized on the benefits of outsourcing their IT operations to an external team of experts. They do this as it bridges the gaps in their own IT department and meets the demands for stable business technology.
So, which is best, MSP or in house IT?
In this article, we will take a look at how to choose IT for your business.
Hiring an MSP Means Cost Savings
When it comes to hiring a managed service provider, you may be forgiven for assuming that this would be a costly option. When comparing MSP vs. in-house IT, you may think that using your team would be cheaper. This thought is not necessarily reality.
Many small and medium-sized businesses will find it a considerable expense to use a competent IT staff team to run their IT department. Outsourcing will not only reduce these costs, but it will also provide your accounts payable department with a predictable monthly fee for your IT needs.
This option means that using an MSP, you can easily budget for your IT requirements.
You’ll Get Access to IT Experts
Attracting great talent can be quite hard for many smaller business concerns. Yet, you will want to know that you are putting your IT requirements in safe hands.
By hiring a reputable managed service provider, even the smallest firms can access some of the most qualified IT professionals in the industry without needing to recruit them.
Not only will you save yourself the need to worry about the recruitment process, but your MSP will generally process a great deal of experience within their specialist IT field, meaning your business will get the best service.
Your MSP Will Have the Infrastructure in Place
Cloud infrastructure is something that many businesses are looking to adopt right now. It has revolutionized how many companies handle their business computing and has completely changed many organizations’ workflow.
To configure cloud infrastructure, developers can take months to work on the codes needed to set this up from scratch. MSPs have all these codes already, and they will be able to set up cloud infrastructure for your business far quicker than your in-house team would be able to.
This time-saving will, in turn, save you a considerable amount of money.
Proactive Support and Rapid Response
Managed service providers can provide your business with 100% dedication to the task of monitoring your IT systems. An MSP will have the resources in place to monitor your IT systems around the clock, day-in-day-out.
If your MSP were to spot any problems with your systems, they would promptly be able to deal with the threat remotely. This option would mean that there would be no drop in performance, and any vulnerabilities would be patched immediately.
Round the clock system monitoring is a costly thing to set up in your own business. However, because you outsource this to a company specializing in offering this service to a range of other businesses, you will enjoy the economy of scale that such a setup will attract.
An MSP Will Allow You to Focus On What You Do Best
When you have your own in-house IT team, you will need to recruit, train, and manage them. All of the time spent concerning yourself with IT matters is time spent away from effectively running your business.
Managed services help to reduce the stress that an entrepreneur will go through regarding their IT infrastructure. With all your IT needs being managed by a team of experts, you will be able to focus on what you do best, working your business and driving it forwards.
Your Systems Will Be Protected
With 43% of all cyberattacks aimed at small businesses, it is essential to protect your digital assets.
Keeping up with the threat of a cyberattack is a full-time job for a cybersecurity expert. Very often, it is not feasible to employ a member of staff for this task. Unfortunately, the companies often cannot afford this necessity that ends up going under due to a data breach.
Perhaps one of the most important benefits of a managed service provider is that you will get round-the-clock protection from the threat of cyberattacks. Your MSP will have cybersecurity experts and the right software poised to protect you from potential breaches as they occur.
24/7 Support
Brining your in-house IT team around the clock can be costly. Most companies will only operate during conventional working hours. Getting support outside of these hours can be tricky.
In addition to this, most IT maintenance is best carried out during a time that will have the least impact on your operations. In other words, you should carry out your updates outside of regular working hours.
A managed service provider will have a team that works shifts to provide on-call support at all hours. Where updates need to be rolled out during your companies’ downtime, your MSP will carry out the work.
Finding the Right MSP For Your Business
Sagacent Technologies is an MSP equipped to offer a range of services to your business, including proactive and preventative maintenance, data back-ups, cybersecurity, and support. We’re here to help your business.
To find out more about the services that we have on offer, get in touch today.
Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning, and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.