cybersecurity and cyber attacksIf you would like your company to thrive and avoid liabilities, it is important that you get a handle on cybersecurity and cyber attacks. Businesses that do not get these matters under control can be in for a world of hurt since these attacks are evolving and becoming more frequent.

For instance, in the most recent measuring period, more than 20 million records were exposed due to cyber attacks.

Companies in all industries must learn the ins and outs of these attacks to keep data safe and to conduct work without setbacks. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of misconceptions and myths about such security breaches.

Below we will dive into these myths and show you how to keep your company safe.



1. Macs are Immune to Issues Related to Cybersecurity and Cyber Attacks

While Mac computers are user-friendly and have proven to be less susceptible to viruses and malware, do not think you are out of the woods.

There is a wide range of attacks specifically targeted to Mac users. To always be sure that you are avoiding issues related to cybersecurity and cyber attacks, you will need the help of network security pros familiar with Mac OS.

Make sure that these pros are well-versed in the hardware and software. Additionally, run plenty of scans to keep an eye on these issues.

2. Phishing is an Old-School Attack

Phishing is a deceptive cyber attack that was popular in the 90s during the AOL and Compuserve era. In those days, ISPs went out of their way to warn customers about them, because users were getting their accounts and information compromised.

While phishing attacks are not the same as they were in the 90s, they are still incredibly prevalent. They have become more sophisticated and harder to attack, which is why you should never click on something if you are unsure.

3. Running Regular Scans Is Enough

Virus and malware scans are only part one of the process.

You will need the assistance of IT professionals that can give you the regular assistance. Since malware attacks are continuously evolving, many virus scans will not immediately detect them.

A skilled IT pro can help you detect these liabilities, and can arm your company with the security that it needs.

4. You Can Detect a Virus Immediately

Believe it or not, it takes the average company more than six months to detect a cyber attack.

Only running virus scans and using firewalls will not be enough to thwart these attacks. The more aggressive you are seeking them out, the easier it will be for you to keep cyber attacks at bay.

Get Your Network Security Under Control

When you want to stay ahead of cybersecurity and cyber attacks, it takes some willingness on your part, along with the skills that only professionals can offer. Once you find IT pros that can assist you, your company will be safer and better able to protect against attacks.

Take time to contact us if you need IT security with your company.

Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning, and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.