Across the world, 64% of companies have suffered a cyber attack at least once. 47% of those attacks are aimed at small businesses, so they are not safe from these either.
This means that no matter how big your business is, you must be prepared for the very real threat of cyber attacks. Otherwise, you face possible closure. Many companies that fall victim to data breaches never recover and, as a result, must shutter their doors.
Has this got you worried about your company’s cyber security? Then not to worry, as we are here to help. Here are some key cyber safety tips you should follow.
Install Antivirus Software on All Devices
The most basic cyber security practice is to install robust antivirus software on all devices.
Previously, only installing these programs on desktop computers and laptops sufficed. Today, seeing as technology’s made leaps and bounds, you need to take it a step further. You should also install antivirus software on tablets and Smartphone’s, as these are essentially mini-computers that cybercriminals can definitely hack.
Not only should you install antivirus programs on all devices, but you must also keep it updated. Updates are pushed out to mitigate network vulnerabilities, so every moment you delay in updating the program, the higher the chance of a data breach.
Make sure all employees understand that they must have their antivirus software on at all times and that installing updates promptly is vital to your company’s cyber security.
Have Good Password Practices
When people choose dictionary words and numbers of significance as their passwords, this makes it very easy for hackers to guess them. The best thing to do is to choose non-dictionary words, and to use a combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special symbols, if possible.
In addition to choosing strong passwords, you should also use different passwords for each account. That way, if a cybercriminal guesses your password to 1 account, they will not be able to leverage that for your other online accounts.
Lastly, you should change your passwords on a regular basis. Again, should a password be compromised, it will not matter, as you will have changed it to a new one by the time a fraudster can try it out.
Non-dictionary passwords can be hard to remember, especially if you use different ones for every online account and change them often. This is why we suggest getting a password manager. These are encrypted browser extensions that store all passwords safely and can even generate passwords for you.
Limit Network Access
To upgrade your cyber security, you should limit network access, both physically and digitally.
To physically limit network access, only give particular people the privilege to access certain business computers. This might mean that only a few employees have the key to some workrooms.
Also, it should be a given that only IT staff should have administrative privileges on computers. Every employee should have their own username and password to access computers and networks. Your IT staff can also set limits so workers with lower-level privileges can’t access sensitive data.
In addition, you should have a WiFi network for guests and one for employees. Both should be password-protected. Should any malicious files get through on the guest network, your business one is safe from infection.
Get Managed IT Services
Managed IT services are where you hand off all your IT needs to a 3rd party, such as Sagacent Technologies. Not only does this free up resources and save you time (and money), but it also ensures your company’s data is always secure.
This is because managed IT services incorporate cyber security services too. These experts understand compliance and bring their own powerful tech to the table.
Not only that, but they also know how to properly store your data so no matter what happens, you’ll experience as little disruption as possible to your business. So from natural disasters (such as floods and fires) to hacking attempts, nothing will cause you to lose a devastating amount of data.
This can keep your expenses lower, as you won’t have to recover as much should anything happen. Having a business continuity plan in place can help keep your reputation with clients, as they will see you are diligent in protecting not only your own data, but theirs as well.
Provide Employee Training
There is no doubt that technology is fantastic for catching any attempts at a data breach. The truth is, your tech should be a safety net, not the first line of defense.
Your employees are actually the first line of defense, so it is vital that they’re up-to-speed on all the warning signs of a cyber attack. Cyber security is a constant cat-and-mouse situation. Fraudsters are always looking for ways into your network and you are always plugging up potential holes (or at least, you should be).
Cyber security is not a static thing, so employee training is essential to slowing down or even stopping hackers in their tracks. For instance, if your workers are trained to detect nuances in social engineering emails, then this can prevent malicious files from even being downloaded.
Hiring a chief security officer (CSO) can be a great solution. Not only can they give regular updates on the latest threats, but they can also provide other basic cyber security education and perform occasional tests as well.
Use These Cyber Safety Tips to Protect Your Business
Now that you know some basic cyber safety tips, you are better equipped to protect your company’s data. It does not just stop there.
To really safeguard your business, you need to stay vigilant. When you understand that cyber security is an ongoing process and not a “one and done,” then you are truly on your way to comprehensively protecting your data.
Would you like to improve your cyber security and safety even more? Then get in touch with us now. We are the managed IT service provider San Jose businesses count on.
Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning, and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.