Does your organization need penetration testing?
According to CNBC, 14 million U.S. businesses are at risk of hacker threats. Last year alone, hackers pried into the private vaults of some of the biggest names in the business. Take a look for yourself:
- Sears
- Kmart
- Delta
- Best Buy
- Saks Fifth Avenue
- Panera Bread
- Whole Foods
- Gamestop
These companies throw tens of millions of dollars a year on their digital security. If hackers can steal their data, what’s preventing them from stealing yours? The honest answer is nothing.
Does that mean you should hire some white hat hackers to snoop around your security, looking for ways in? Perhaps.
Read on as we take a closer look at the benefits of penetration testing.
Penetration Testing 101
Penetration testing determines your company’s vulnerability to cyberattacks. Essentially, you hire licensed penetration testers (aka white hats) to snoop around your system, looking for ways in that they can exploit.
Auditing companies or third-party security firms perform the tests. They ensure they’re conducted both fairly and according to established protocols.
What’s the end result of a penetration test? At the conclusion of the tests, you’re handed the results. They include options to remediate your security systems and enhance your network.
If you’re unsure about your company’s digital vulnerabilities, contact an expert for a complimentary consultation to discuss conducting a risk assessment and if a penetration test is the right approach for your business. The only way you’ll know is if you take action.
Why Your Systems May Need Testing
Businesses that store sensitive data require serious security measures. If that data is financial, health care or related to other customer information, it’s doubly so. Federal regulations (and best practices) demand bullet-proof security for such information.
U.S. enterprises paid an average of $1.3 million in customer compensation. It costs the economy between $57 billion to $109 billion a year.
Safe and Practical
When you invest in testing, you avoid the financial risks that come with public embarrassment. Any expert marketer will tell you that your public image is your business. If you lose your customer’s trust, say goodbye to your profits.
When you work with an established company, one with a proven reputation for accurate results, you protect yourself in two ways. First, you discover holes in your security. That’s simple enough.
Second, you create a paperwork trail. If you are breached, you can show the courts, upper management, board of directors or customers that you took every preventative measure available to protect your data. It may not sound like much, but it may mean the difference between forgiveness and failure.
What’s Next?
Thinking and acting like a hacker can uncover where your security liabilities lie. So, is penetration testing necessary for your business?
Penetration testing is an investment well worth considering in order to arm yourself with the right security measures and strengthen your digital defenses. It doesn’t stop there.
Cybersecurity is becoming a requirement for a business’ operating plan. That’s where we come in. Regular 24/7 network monitoring and cyber protection are just two of the things we do best.
Check out our weekly blog for a wide range of topical articles on cybersecurity and managed IT services, helping you stay in the loop of this ever-changing industry.
Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.