managed IT“Keep it all in the company”, they said. “You won’t regret it”, they said. Now here you are, deeply regretting trying to manage your own IT services.

Here is a newsflash: you do not have to do it alone…or at all, really. In fact, having someone manage your information technology is exactly what you need to help your company move in the right direction.

How can managed IT help you to save money and reach that next level? Well, we are glad that you asked.

How You Can Save with Managed IT

When you have an outside company manage your IT services, you are not only getting peace of mind, but also some extra cash in your wallet. Keep reading to find out more.

You Do Not Need to Pay for an IT Department

When you are a big-time company, you can afford to own and pay for your own IT department without batting an eye over costs. That is good if you can do that. For everyone else (i.e. you), having your own tech department is too much.

What is even worse, most businesses do not deal with tech problems nearly as much as you might think, so you are basically paying to keep services around that you do not even use much.

By outsourcing your IT, you keep from paying for a personnel department. That means you get to keep those savings and put them into another company aspect.

You Only Pay for What You Use

Keeping your own IT department means paying for both the equipment and the employees to keep the station running. If it is a business day, you have to continue to pay every time the employees are around.

Here is the worst part. Since tech problems are not that common, your personal IT department will not even be productive for the greater part of their work service.

In other words, you are basically paying for people to sit around and enjoy free time – and that is something you cannot afford.

When you outsource the IT work, you only have to pay when you actually use the services. What is not to love about that?

You Get Extra Support

An extra little perk of outsourcing IT is that your current IT staff can receive extra assistance when they need a hand.

As a small business, you probably only have one or two people who specialize in IT. They may be good at what they do, but even the best of us could use a little help at times. With outsourced help, that is exactly what they would get.

Your existing department could get guidance on any project they are currently working on with step by step instructions until the project is complete. The best part is that you only have to pay for the time spent, and nothing more.

Here for Your Outsourcing Needs

Think you are ready to take the next step and get managed IT services? We have got you covered. We offer a full array of managed services and IT solutions, as well as project management, communications services, and so much more.

Reach out to us whenever you are ready to get started. We look forward to working with you!

Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.