One of the most common causes of a cyber security attack is human error. Almost 50% of business owners said that human error resulted in a security breach at their companies.
The average cost of a data breach has risen to almost $4 million. For smaller and medium-sized businesses, the costs are often crippling, wiping companies out completely.
Luckily, there are many ways to ensure cyber security protection. Are you looking for a managed IT service provider in San Jose? Keep reading to learn how to eliminate the possibility of human error in cyber security at your business.
What Is IT Security?
IT security uses a set of cybersecurity strategies. Each one contributes to preventing unauthorized access to company assets and sensitive data.
IT security maintains the confidentiality of pertinent information within the data, computers, and networks in an organization. IT works towards eliminating potential IT security risks by creating barriers that block the access of hackers.
For success, IT must run regular audits and security protocol checks to ensure no vulnerabilities arise.
What Are the Most Common IT Security Risks?
There are plenty of security factors to consider when managing the cyber security of any given company, such as:
- Application vulnerabilities
- Weak and stolen credentials
- Social engineering
- Malware
- Insider threats
- Improper configuration
- Physical attacks
- Too many permissions
The human factor is arguably the easiest way for hackers to access sensitive data within an organization. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ways businesses fall victim to security breaches through the human factor, and how to eliminate them.
How to Alleviate Human Error
When there is a security breach due to human error, it is not necessarily a result of a disgruntled or vindictive employee. Security breaches happen more often because employees are not adequately trained on how to keep their company’s information safe.
Some of the ways in which the human factor can lead to a breach are:
- Falling for phishing scams
- Using weak passwords
- Sharing sensitive information with the wrong people
- Sharing account or password information
Many of these errors could be easily prevented by ensuring employees understand basic data security measures. Think of your employees as your “human firewall” and train them accordingly.
Train Your Employees
Social engineering is one of the easiest ways for hackers to manipulate employees. Almost everyone is on at least one form of social media. Thus, hackers use these channels to trick people into handing over sensitive information.
Sometimes all they need is one name or an email to complete their access attempt.
Through spear phishing, hackers send customized emails to a small number of potential employee victims. They use familiarity or one piece of information (like a coworkers’ name) to trick the employee into responding to the scam.
Through reverse social engineering, hackers will attack a company’s network first. Then they will claim to have found the hack themselves and present an offer to repair it. If an employee accepts the offer to help, the hacker gains access to the network.
Hackers can always embed malicious codes into documents and files. An employee might get an email with the “updated version” of an important work PDF and open it. Employees at all different levels fall victim to this type of attack because it is attached to something familiar, and they think nothing of it.
It is essential to use 2-factor authentication whenever possible and make sure your employees are trained on all levels of cyber security. Only give access to networks and applications to those who need it for their jobs.
Do you allow employees to check personal emails or go on social media while on the network? It is vital to lay out every single expectation for employees to follow protocol safely and effectively. It is also a great idea to block any personal site use through our network security and support.
Implement the Best Software
A change detection software helps to maintain the cyber security of your business. It boasts flexible response options and performs audits continuously so that it can help identify any changes in the network.
If there is any change, the detection software tells you who made it, the location of the change, where the changes reside, how the change was implemented, and when it took place. Certain software can also help you eliminate any change so that things can quickly return to how they were.
Pay Careful Attention to 3rd-Party Vendors
In early 2014, Target fell victim to a security breach. Around 110 million customers’ personal or financial information was compromised.
What was interesting about the hack, though, is that hackers gained access through a 3rd-party vendor. The HVAC contractor may have provided the opening hackers needed to attack Target’s computer network.
The firm had access to Target’s network so that they could do things, like remotely monitor temperatures and energy consumption, at many of Target’s stores. It was the gateway that hackers needed to get in.
If you work with outside vendors at your business, it is vital to be sure they are just as secure as you and your company.
Do not be afraid to communicate your concerns and ask any 3rd-party vendors about their monitoring software. If you are still concerned, ask to see their IT infrastructure audits.
Encourage them to also use a change detection software, so that if any changes get made to their network and access, it reverts back to your default settings immediately.
Call a Managed IT Service Provider in San Jose
Many businesses admit to slacking on IT security, but that is the worst way you could slack in any organization. While the idea of IT and security may seem daunting, it pales in comparison to the damaged brand identity, lost customer trust, and millions in damages you could face if your business suffers a security breach.
Do not wait another day to call a managed IT service provider in San Jose if you are worried about the security of your company.
Are you ready to request support and keep your business, customers, and employees safe?
You can request support here or contact us with any questions or concerns. We are here to help!
Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning, and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.