Is Your IT a Pain or a Productivity Tool?

End the Pain. Get the Gain.

Whether you’re a small business that can’t afford in-house IT support, or a mid-size company that needs supplemental expertise, you don’t have to put up with IT that steals resources like time and money without delivering the business benefits you want.

Sagacent Technologies has you covered. With cybersecurity, managed solutions, or technology services, you get the secure IT environment you want, at a price you can afford. So you can focus on your business, not your IT.

With Sagacent support, you stay safe from hackers and up to date with the latest hardware and software solutions. You have immediate access to just the skills you need, right when you need them. And you get the IT tools to run and grow your business.

What We Deliver

We build cybersecurity in to everything we do, and deliver services at a variety of levels:


Completely managed IT services—where we are completely responsible for supplying, maintaining, and upgrading the IT systems for your business


Co-managed IT—for full access to our remotely provided services, integrated with your onsite staff


Technology Services—give you solutions for specific needs

Cybersecurity services—Avoid malware, ransomware, and phishing with network, email, endpoint security, and more. 

Data backup and disaster recovery—With our Managed IT services, we can help you develop backup and disaster recovery plans to secure and retrieve crucial data. 

Cloud solutions—Make the switch to cloud-based services like Microsoft 365 for affordable and scalable email, document management, and collaboration. 

IT infrastructure management—We help you run your computer networks, servers, and software applications successfully and efficiently. 

monitoring and support

24/7 monitoring and support—Around-the-clock monitoring and support help you quickly address any issues or incidents. 

Why Sagacent?

years in business

honors and awards

requests acknowledged within 15 minutes

response within service-level-agreement time

resolution within service-level-agreement times

ticket satisfaction

What Clients Are Saying

Let’s Make It Easy

Schedule an appointment and we’ll:

  • Review your needs with you
  • Perform a technical analysis
  • Present a custom solution
  • Make your business more productive, reliable, and secure

It’s really that easy.

Contact Us

Contact Us


Mailing Address:

2010 El Camino Real #766
Santa Clara, CA 95050-4051

Build Business Efficiency

You need to make sure your technology is a tool to build business efficiency and productivity. Sagacent Technologies has two ways of doing that, with cybersecurity built in to everything we do:

  1. Completely managed IT services–where we are completely responsible for supplying, maintaining, and upgrading the IT systems for your business
  2. Co-managed IT–for full access to our remotely provided services, integrated with your onsite staff

Then add technology services for a custom solution that’s right for you. It's really that easy.