In the past, some larger companies provided their staff with company-owned and managed mobile devices in an attempt to boost productivity.  

But, today, your employees all carry around, and depend on, many types of their own devices—from smartphones and tablets, to netbooks and more. While allowing them to use their own devices is a great resource, it’s also a huge security risk. Which is why your company needs a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy that protects both your company and your staff.   

 Sagacent solutions allow you to place a layer of security between your company’s network and your staff’s devices, and to configure permissions to make it all work.  

Your Business on the Move  

When you have a properly managed mobile device management platform, you have a way to keep the potential threats to your company’s data and infrastructure from becoming a problem. By compartmentalizing the information on an employee’s device with security measures between business and personal files, you can sort out potential threats.  

Support for Any Mobile Computing Platform  

To make sure that you are able to take advantage of a BYOD policy, you need to support all the service providers and device platforms your employees might use.   

Sagacent has a central interface that allows our administrators to manage both devices and data on a wide variety of platforms. We also provide other components of a comprehensive mobile device-management program:  

  • Mobile asset inventory  
  • Mobile device provisioning  
  • Mobile software distribution  
  • Mobile data protection  
  • Help desk support  

Get More Mobile  

For more information about Sagacent’s mobile device management solution, please feel free to contact us.