Many businesses are increasingly concerned about the possibility of having the wrong person access sensitive company information.

This information could be as crucial as ultra-private intellectual property or as common as confidential compensation data. Regardless, unauthorized access of this information can cause a lot of problems for any business.

Surprisingly, while most companies assume the “wrong person” is from the outside, they’re more often on the inside—in the form of a trusted employee with the wrong access.

Exactly what kind of security problems do we typically find? Here are some of the most common problems:

  • No firewall—sadly, many of the firms we visit either have no firewall or one that doesn’t protect their business from today’s attacks
  • Out-of-date antivirus/anti-spyware—often installed, but more often (about 65% of the time) disabled or out of date and, so, largely ineffective.
  • Complete security access—frequently not in place at all, so anyone with modest computer knowledge full access. Imagine, everyone in your company could have access to confidential human resources, accounting, or private company data. Just under 90% of the time we find these and other serious security flaws.

Sagacent Offers Business Security Assessments for Just these Reasons

Regardless of where the threat could come from Sagacent security engineers work with you to identify what needs to be protected and ensure that it is.

Our process is simple and straightforward: We sit down discuss your specific concerns, take a careful look at your existing infrastructure, and share our findings. We also advise you on what should be fixed and how.

Why not schedule a business security assessment today and rest easy tomorrow?