
Claim Your FREE Network Assessment!

A $300 Dollar Value

Could your business be more efficient with a better IT infrastructure? Is your current network setup appropriate for a company of your size? Is your business’ data secure with your current data security settings?

Sagacent Technologies is here to answer all of those questions, and more, with a FREE Network Assessment.

Valued at $300, our network assessment gives you a personal, one-on-one meeting with one of our expert IT engineers. After an onsite evaluation of your technology infrastructure, our engineer will then sit with you to discuss areas where your network could use improvement. After considering these recommendations and your current IT budget, we will come up with a managed service plan that will suit your company and your wallet.

To get started or learn more contact us by filling out the form on the right and we will be in touch soon.
For assistance now, call 408.248.9800.

10 benefits

As a bonus for reaching out to us, you will receive our e-book on the
benefits of Managed IT Services.


What you will learn:

    • How expensive downtime is for your business and how to calculate it.
    • The difference between traditional IT support and Managed IT Services.
    • How switching to a Managed IT provider can save your business time and money.
    • How to budgetize your IT expenses.
    • How your small business can afford enterprise-level technology solutions without breaking the bank.

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