Hot Topics at IT Nation Secure 2024
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Hot Topics at IT Nation Secure 2024

I’m back from last week’s IT Nation Secure conference, and I want to share just a few of my takeaways from the sessions: Hacking is bad and getting worse AI is growing, and companies aren’t prepared Most professional businesses aren’t ready for security regulations Hacking Stats Bad actors are stepping up their attacks, even as…

Unleashing the Power of AI in Your Business: A Journey of Discovery
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Unleashing the Power of AI in Your Business: A Journey of Discovery

By Maurice Unglik, Sagacent’s Client Success Manager Hey everyone! I recently wrapped up an incredible 6-week online course focused on applying AI solutions to business clients across various industries, and I couldn’t be more excited to share what I’ve learned. AI, or artificial intelligence, isn’t just a buzzword, and it isn’t limited to just ChatGPT;…

Don’t Let Your Email Be Blocked: Understanding the New Requirements
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Don’t Let Your Email Be Blocked: Understanding the New Requirements

Email remains a crucial tool for communication, but as technology evolves, so do the standards surrounding it. In February 2024, two major email providers, Google (including Gmail) and Yahoo, implemented new requirements for bulk senders—entities sending a high volume of emails daily. With these changes, companies aim to improve email security and user experience, plus…

Cancer CAREpoint and Sagacent—Partnering for Success
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Cancer CAREpoint and Sagacent—Partnering for Success

Sagacent Helps Local Nonprofit Build a Secure IT Infrastructure Cancer CAREpoint is a local nonprofit committed to assisting community members with the practical, psychological, and emotional burden that a cancer diagnosis delivers. Serving clients since 2012, they offer personalized Counseling, Assistance, Resources, and Education (CARE) services and programs across the SF Bay Area—all free of…

Levin and Pangilinan PC Teams Up with Sagacent for IT Managed Services
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Levin and Pangilinan PC Teams Up with Sagacent for IT Managed Services

Levin and Pangilinan PC is an elite immigration law firm based in San Francisco, California. For close to 30 years, they have helped their clients navigate the complex immigration laws in the United States, providing a variety of services for businesses, families, and foreign nationals; as well as helping overseas professionals gain visas, lawful permanent…

Connected Devices Can Jeopardize Your Business Security
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Connected Devices Can Jeopardize Your Business Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t just a futuristic vision from science fiction movies. It’s already woven into the fabric of our daily lives, silently sending and collecting data to and from everyday objects all around us. While executives might readily associate IoT cybersecurity risks with networked printers, manufacturing equipment, and perhaps cloud services; another…

Supply-chain Vulnerabilities—Mitigation for Manufacturers
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Supply-chain Vulnerabilities—Mitigation for Manufacturers

In the intricate supply chains of modern manufacturing, each link in the chain is potentially vulnerable to hackers determined to exploit weak security. So a single cyberattack on any part of the supply chain can wreak havoc on manufacturers’ operations and reputations. By embracing a proactive, collaborative approach to supply chain cybersecurity, manufacturers can risks and gain a valuable competitive edge.

PASE and Sagacent Technologies—Partnering for Success
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PASE and Sagacent Technologies—Partnering for Success

Peoples Associates Structural Engineers (PASE) offers a full range of structural engineering services. PASE tackles highly complex engineering challenges and innovations across a portfolio of projects that include large data centers and mixed-use housing, among others. To meet each client’s unique needs and support its team of skilled designers, structural engineers, and project managers, PASE…

The Catholic Community Foundation and Sagacent Technologies — Partnering for Success
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The Catholic Community Foundation and Sagacent Technologies — Partnering for Success

Managing IT is always a challenge, and if you’re a small nonprofit like the Catholic Community Foundation, the stakes are even higher. How do you further your mission with just a handful of people supporting your core systems?