
Network Backup Tips for Your Small Business

network backup tips

network backup tipsLosing your data can have an enormous impact on a small business – enough to force you close.

Around 60% of businesses that suffer a data loss are estimated to close after 6 months.

If you fail to prepare for data loss, you’re putting your whole business at risk. If you don’t feel you’re IT literature, you might not know where to start.

With this in mind, we’ve got some network backup tips that your small business can put in place to reduce the risk of a total data loss.

Pick a Network Backup Storage Method

The easiest way to backup your data is to use a network backup. This way, you can create easy-to-access storage for your entire business to save and access data without relying on a single hard drive.

Network-attached storage (NAS) devices can be independent of other devices and plug straight into your existing network. They support RAID mirroring solutions, meaning you won’t lose your data if one hard drive fails.

Ensure You Have Multiple Backups

It’s important for you to not rely on just one backup of your files, especially if they’re critical to the operation of your business.

Backup your files to several places. If you have a network backup solution like a NAS, treat this as only one backup, even with RAID mirroring in place. If you have files you don’t access too often, consider removable direct access storage like an encrypted hard drive as an additional backup device.

Consider Offsite Storage

Being reliant on on-site only backups is foolhardy, however. Even with two or three physical or network backup solutions in place, if they’re all located in your office, what will you do if you suffer a fire or theft?

With offsite storage, you can backup your files over a secured Internet connection. With regular offsite backups, even if you suffered physical damage or loss, you’ll still have access to your files.

If you’re looking for an offsite business backup solutions, consider subscribing to a Backup and Disaster Recovery service.

Automate Your Backups

With your backups, don’t leave things to human error.

Set regular, automated backups of your files to your various storage solutions. Operating systems like Windows include their own automated backup tools so you can set and forget without worrying about your employees neglecting to backup themselves.

Our Backup and Disaster Recovery service ensures regular offsite backups for your business data.

Don’t Leave Your Data Storage to Chance

The worst time to consider backing up your important data is after a data loss, so don’t leave it to fate.

By ensuring your most critical data has several backups, including an offsite backup to lower the risk of physical loss due to fire or theft, you can drastically lower the chances of losing your data for good.

If you’re looking for managed IT services for your organization, including offsite data backups, Sagacent Technologies can help. Contact us today for more information on the services we offer.

Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.