Does your identity and access management (IAM) system meet cybersecurity state laws?
If you are not up to date on your IT infrastructure, then you may be putting your users at risk of a security breach. You may also be working less efficiently and spending more than you have to managing your system.
An IT audit checklist can help you determine the best way to set up your IAM or fix problems with your current system. You want your system to be secure and organized so that the right users and administrators have the appropriate access.
It takes an experienced IT team to create user access and also to organize who has permission to access certain information. Read on to learn how your system should be performing.
IT Audit Checklist – Big Picture
Before diving into the best way to master your identity and access management system, first, take a look at what systems you are already using. An IT audit checklist is a full breakdown of what your IT network requires in order to meet your business’ needs.
It can also help you eliminate the excess systems too. If you have multiple logins and outdated systems, it is probably time to downsize.
It is difficult to keep up with the security and maintenance of old systems. It is not only time-consuming, difficult to teach new employees, but it also costs more money.
Consider switching to a single-sign-on system where users can access all platforms through one centralized log-in. Take a look at your business’ strategy and mission, then see how your system can best serve this.
Create User Identities
In order to master effective identity and access management, you should start by determining the different types of workers in your office. This list could include customer service assistances, administrators, or clients.
Depending on the user’s identity, you can determine what permissions and roles they are allowed. It is a lot easier to manage an organized system where you can quickly identify a user and already have their permissions set.
It is also important to ensure a customer or partner’s security when entering their information into the system. They should be able to rely on your company to manage the information safely and limit its visibility.
Who Needs Access?
Within your company, there are most likely a variety of users who need access to your system. They may have different roles and require access to different systems. Some may not be allowed to access top-level information, while others will provide access to staff members.
You will also need to be able to delete user access so that previous employees can no longer use certain systems. This type of management is called user provisioning. This system includes both the backend system and the forward-facing platform that allows staff to create usernames and recover lost passwords.
On top of passwords, other strong user authentication methods are recommended. This method could include using questions, verification codes, fingerprints, or more to ensure secure access.
Where Is It Going?
When you are collecting large amounts of user data, you need to have a place to contain it in an organized way. An effective directory infrastructure is important for security as well as tracking user information.
For example, you may need to have users be able to update their mailing address. A well-designed directory will allow this information to be saved and tracked clearly. It should also provide you with some reports and analytics.
Expert Assistance
Even with the best-executed infrastructure, there are still access and identity management upkeep that is ongoing behind the scenes. It may not be in your company’s best interest to take responsibility for these types of maintenance issues.
It may sound overwhelming, but we can help you get started! An IT audit checklist is a great first step to strategizing your identity and access management infrastructure. It can point out areas of your current system that are not working and how to fix them.
Want to learn more about getting started? Visit our website for expert assistance on this process.
Sagacent Technologies offers technology management and support, including proactive/preventative maintenance, onsite and offsite data back-ups, network and security audits, mobility solutions, disaster planning and emergency business resumption services. The company serves clients of 10 to 150 employees within the Silicon Valley region.