Your Accidental Mole: 5 Ways Your Employees Could Create a Data Leak

Your Accidental Mole: 5 Ways Your Employees Could Create a Data Leak

4.5 billion data records were exposed in the first half of 2018. Your data is vital to your company, and the last thing you want to happen is for it to fall into the wrong hands. Even though you may think your data is secure, careless employees can accidentally cause a data breach. Read on…

The Most Dangerous Websites on the Internet: 4 Sites You Should Avoid like the Plague

The Most Dangerous Websites on the Internet: 4 Sites You Should Avoid like the Plague

55% of the world’s population has access to the Internet. While the Internet can bring us great things, it can also be the harbinger of destruction. Dangerous websites exist on the Internet, which can wreak havoc to your home or business in more ways than one. In this article, we will go over a small…

Best Data Security Tools for Small to Medium Sized Businesses
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Best Data Security Tools for Small to Medium Sized Businesses

The average cost of a data breach in the United States is $7.91 million. That number alone should be enough to convince you how important data security is for a business. With the right security tools at your disposal, you can reduce the chances of a breach for your company. Not only does this lower…

How Often Should You Conduct an Internal Compliance Audit?

How Often Should You Conduct an Internal Compliance Audit?

According to the Institute of Internal Auditors, North America, the mission of an internal audit is “to enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insight.” Management systems, like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14001 ISO 9001), provide guidance. They specify documented schedules for internal audits. They stress that…

Protect Your Computer: Here is Why You Need to Back up Data for Your Business

Protect Your Computer: Here is Why You Need to Back up Data for Your Business

It is all gone. Everything you have worked for is gone. Losing data and information can be horrific for anyone, but it can be especially bad for a business. You have financial records, stock records, employee records, and everything else saved into a computer. In one swift moment, if nothing is backed up, a single…

5 IT Challenges 2018 Threw at Us and How We Responded

5 IT Challenges 2018 Threw at Us and How We Responded

Data breaches are not going away. In just the United States alone, from 2005 to 2018, data hacks exposed around 179 million data records. Those responsible for sorting out these security issues are also the same ones working to help fix minor day-to-day computer tech concerns. This reality means helping office guy Larry who cannot…

2018’s Top Five Misconceptions About Cybersecurity and Cyber Attacks

2018’s Top Five Misconceptions About Cybersecurity and Cyber Attacks

If you would like your company to thrive and avoid liabilities, it is important that you get a handle on cybersecurity and cyber attacks. Businesses that do not get these matters under control can be in for a world of hurt since these attacks are evolving and becoming more frequent. For instance, in the most…

Is Now the Time for Autonomic Computing in the Cloud?

Is Now the Time for Autonomic Computing in the Cloud?

GUEST POST By Ben Ferguson Shamrock Consulting Group Cloud computing may be the flavor of the month when it comes to super-scale Information Technology, but it’s not the only model that has been put forward as a viable solution to business’ needs for scalability and economy. Fortunately, autonomic computer systems could potentially remove one of…

Recent Studies Show Cyber Attacks on the Rise
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Recent Studies Show Cyber Attacks on the Rise

From “WannaCry” and “NotPetya” to the massive Equifax breach, cyber crimes are on the rise and have the capacity to cause devastating harm to the economy. According to a recent White House report, malicious cyber activity cost the U.S. economy $109 billion in 2016. Experts estimate that the global cost to the economy could be…