How a Managed IT Service Provider San Jose Can Help Prep Your Office Systems for Winter Weather

How a Managed IT Service Provider San Jose Can Help Prep Your Office Systems for Winter Weather

Is your San Jose business prepared for the winter weather? It was only three years ago when the worst flood in a century hit the region. Silicon Valley was not exempt when Coyote Creek spilled its banks. Hundreds of businesses were affected as floodwater and power outages struck. If natural disasters hit this winter, will…

How to Keep Your Medical Office Email HIPAA Compliant

How to Keep Your Medical Office Email HIPAA Compliant

A data breach in the healthcare industry costs approximately $7.13 million per incident. Healthcare has been the leader in data breach costs for ten years. It takes 329 days to fix each incident compared to the average of 280 days. The HIPAA law was instated to help combat this problem and protect patient records. It…

Cloud Compliance: How Policies and Guidelines Ensure the Integrity of Your Client Data

Cloud Compliance: How Policies and Guidelines Ensure the Integrity of Your Client Data

Around the world, 85 percent of businesses already use the cloud for a variety of reasons. Many of them use the cloud to provide a secure backup. Others use it to power apps or to provide data storage. The widespread adoption of the cloud has raised concerns about security. This is especially true when it…

Exclusive Briefing with your Cyber Security Advisor

Exclusive Briefing with your Cyber Security Advisor

Experts at the Federal government are frequently the first to learn about new cybercrime waves across America. That’s why we have invited Cyber Security Advisor, Mike Lettman, from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to brief our community. Lettman works closely with the FBI, US Secret Service, and other governmental agencies to gather insights and…

10 Security Tips for Hospital Network Systems

10 Security Tips for Hospital Network Systems

Statistics show that hospital network system administrators have a need to modify their security systems constantly and often at a fast rate, to stay in front of the ongoing cybersecurity threats, major data systems face. Often there is barely time to learn the network security systems in place before it’s changed for another. There are…

Data Classification Policy: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Data Classification Policy: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Every year, businesses face cybercrime attacks as many as 16,856 times. How can you protect your company from being one of them? The safety of your organization’s data is essential, and implementing the right strategy is imperative to minimize the risk of a security breach. The solution? A data classification policy. Data classification ensures the right people are using your…

Understanding Unique Medical Office IT Support Needs

Understanding Unique Medical Office IT Support Needs

The use of technology in healthcare is on the rise. This technology has many benefits, but it also carries risks, such as electronic medical records being exposed. In 2018, over 13 million records were breached, more than double the number in 2017. This is only one of several technology challenges faced in healthcare. This guide…

Endpoint Security and the Benefits for Your Small Business

Endpoint Security and the Benefits for Your Small Business

Right now, the world is more connected than ever before, thanks to mobile devices. Those connections are about to explode. By 2030, there could be as many as 24.1 billion devices connected to the internet. The sheer number of devices offers unprecedented opportunities, particularly for businesses. At the same time, every device connected to the…

Cyber Safety Tips:  Protect Your Business Against Cyber Attacks

Cyber Safety Tips: Protect Your Business Against Cyber Attacks

Across the world, 64% of companies have suffered a cyber attack at least once. 47% of those attacks are aimed at small businesses, so they are not safe from these either. This means that no matter how big your business is, you must be prepared for the very real threat of cyber attacks. Otherwise, you…

The Most Insidious Types of Cyber Security Threats Businesses Face

The Most Insidious Types of Cyber Security Threats Businesses Face

In today’s information age, cyber security threats are becoming more common than not. Unfortunately, a small in-house IT team may not be enough to protect many businesses from these types of threats. The reality is that the need for business defense has become far greater as hackers have become all-the-more sophisticated. As the saying goes…